
Sunday, August 25, 2013

The new runners at CC.

Well it seems that the new copy center will be moving soon back to its 14th floor.  YEAH!!! 

We've seemed to have a whole bunch new crew of runners that work here in the cc.  The older runners decide to venture adventure of working elsewhere.  May luck be with them as they do a new job.

Today you wonder what life would be like if humans had superpowers.  Would they be treated the same or different?  I would see that some would be seen as a freak or someone that has a total mental issue. 

There are some runners that work in the cc and have awesome super powers. 

They are able to see past those deadlines and able to get copy jobs done in a fast speed!

Able to deliver the mail in a super swoosh speed that you can barely see them when the person is delivering the mail. 

Is able to find out what the problem is with a copier and get it fixed, so it can be ready for the next copy job.

We have our own super beings that work here with extraordinary powers!  May we continue to work at the CC and do the justice that is deserved to the people we work for!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May the Force be with you and the other CC members from now until the end of eternity.

Ryan Ross